Genesis 4:1-26

V 1-2:  The word “knew” is used to indicate not only sexual intimacy, but unity. It is important to retain the Hebrew, because the Hebrew shows that Eve believed she was giving birth to the redeemer promised in Genesis 3:15 it should be translated: “I have gotten a man: Jehovah.” The Jerusalem Targum, an Aramaic interpretive translation of the Hebrew Text, … Read more

Genesis 2

1:31-2:4 – These verses conclude chapter one and would well have been served to remain with it. We should know that the chapter and verses were added long after the various Books of the Bible were written.  After the creation God declared that it was very good.  V. 1 makes reference to the word “host” this word … Read more

Genesis 1:31-2:6

1:31-2:4 – These verses conclude chapter one and would well have been served to remain with it. We should know that the chapter and verses were added long after the various Books of the Bible were written.  After the creation God declared that it was very good.  V. 1 makes reference to the word “host” this word … Read more

Genesis Introduction

These notes on Genesis and for that matter all the notes on this website, were created as a basis for Bible studies that I have led in homes and in businesses. They are not exhaustive but served to help me as I taught. In my classes I would expand on these notes and answer questions … Read more

Genesis 46

Genesis 46:1-4 – Jacob had reservations about leaving the land that was promised to him by God. (Gen. 35:12).  Likely sensing the hand of God in all that had unfolded Jacob began his journey.  He had no word not to go and it seemed that this was the right thing to do.  He traveled from Hebron to Egypt and … Read more

Genesis 36

Genesis 36:1-5 This section looks into the genealogy of Esau. Esau is also called Edom which refers to his headship over the nation of Edom. Esau and Edom are identified as one in Obad 1:8. The name comes from the event of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for the “red stew” that Jacob had prepared … Read more

Genesis 32

Genesis 32:1-2 – As an indication of God’s approval and blessing upon Jacob he sends his angels to appear to him.  When Jacob was fleeing Esau, God sent these angels to appear to him at Bethel (Gen. 28:12).  God does this for Jacob to remind him that He is his protector and shield and to reassure him as … Read more

Genesis 31

Genesis 31:1-3 – The sons of Laban became more and more vexed that Jacob continued to prosper.  What was thought to be a shrewd deal on their father’s part was now becoming a disaster in their eyes.  Their flocks were not reproducing as well now that Jacob was not in charge, and Jacob’s were multiplying.  They blamed their losses … Read more

Genesis 30

Genesis 30:1-2 – Rachel who was forced to wait to marry her husband because of her father and Laban’s conspiracy now has to deal with the humiliation of not being able to have children.  It would be disappointing enough just to be barren but imagine the agony as you begin to see the love of your … Read more