Matthew 11:1-30

Matthew 11:1-6 – When they left Yeshua continued His ministry. John the Baptist’s disciples came to Him with a question from John “Are you the “Expected One”? Jesus was not turning out to be the kind of Messiah that Israel was expecting. The were looking for a political and military Messiah who would liberate Israel from … Read more

Matthew 10:1-42

Matthew 10:1-4. This calling of the Disciples is different from the commissioning in Matthew 28. This commission has to do with their mission to Israel, the later one embraces all nations. Israel was to be given the opportunity first to receive her King and His Kingdom. If Israel responded the Millennium would have begun then, but … Read more

Matthew 9:1-38

Matthew 9:1-9 One of the foremost tenets of the New Covenant is that sin can be forgiven, and that man can be brought into fellowship with God. The King who has come to bring the kingdom now demonstrates that He has the power to forgive sin. Sin is the root of all of man’s physical, emotional, and … Read more

Genesis 14:1-24 – Abram

Genesis 14:1-4 – Abram dwelt securely in Mamre for a number of years.  According to this passage a confederacy of nations from the land of Mesopotamia made up of the kings of Shinar (Babylon) Ellasar (a leading tribe in southern Babylonia), Elam (Persia), and Goiim (a tribe in northeastern Babylonia). These tribes joined together and … Read more

Genesis 13:1-18

Chap. 13:1-7 – When Abraham and Sarah left Egypt they did not stop until they reached Bethel, which was the place where Abram called on the name of the Lord.  It was there that Abram last had fellowship with the Lord.  Sometimes we need to return to the last place we were in fellowship with … Read more

Genesis 11:1-32 – Tower of Babel and Call of Avram

Gen 11 – Explains how the dispersion of the nations described in chapter 10 took place. How this occurred is described in the events of Genesis 11. It explains why Nimrod left Babel (Babylon) and moved to Assyria. It also describes what happened in the days of Peleg. We learn in this chapter about the tower of Babel which was a … Read more

Genesis 10:1-32 Table of Nations

Chapter 10 is called the “Table of Nations.”.  Even secular scholars are amazed at the accuracy of this table of nations.  After the Flood, the people increased, and scattered in all directions:  (1) the Japhethites (vv. 25) went to Europe and to the northern areas of Asia; (2) the Hamites (vv. 6-20) into Egypt, Ethiopia, … Read more

Genesis 9:1-29

Chap 9:1-2 – Like Adam, Noah received a mandate from the Lord to fill the earth.  God wanted man to quickly inhabit the whole earth just as Adam was commanded.  Noah and his sons were not given the same words concerning dominion that Adam received.  This may be due to the current dominion by Satan (1 … Read more