Ecclesiastes 3:1-22

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 These verses connect to the themes of this book. Solomon’s counsel is to take each day of his life as from the hand of God as Solomon has just said in the previous chapter in Ecclesiastes 3:24-26), realizing that God has a fitting time for each thing to be done Ecclesiastes 3:1. The … Read more

Ecclesiastes 2:12-26

Ecclesiastes 2:12-17 – “I turned to consider” that is he considered things from a different perspective.  Solomon considers wisdom and wealth in the light of the certainty of death. What good is it to be wisdom and wealth if you’re going to die and leave everything behind? Facing death is a constant theme in this … Read more

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Ecclesiastes 2:1-2, In chapter 1 Solomon’s quest for wisdom was external: he examined everything from how wisdom works to madness and folly (Ecclesiastes 1:17). Now he turns to the internal. He is going to now explore pleasures to answer the question, will I find more satisfaction in pleasure than in wisdom? Does joy and pleasure bring … Read more

Ecclesiastes 1:16-2:8

Ecclesiastes 1:16-18 – If we try like Solomon to study and seek the answers to life’s mysteries we will like Solomon wind up unfulfilled for at least two reason. First, because on this side of heaven, there are no explanations for some things that happen, and secondly, God has ordained that His people live by promises … Read more

Ecclesiastes 1:9-18

Ecclesiastes 1:9-18 are written poetically and it ends with the conclusion that nothing new happens in life that breaks the pattern established by Solomon in a closed system. His conclusion is based on two evidences first is that there is nothing new under the sun and secondly that there is no remembrance of things that have … Read more

Ecclesiastes 1:3-8

Ecclesiastes 1:3, The phrase “under the sun” appears 27 times and suggests that Solomon was making his case for despair based only on evidence from the natural world. As the outline suggests, Solomon dealt with the problem of life’s apparent meaninglessness in four stages: He stated his “belief” that life is meaningless (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11). He offered evidence … Read more

Ecclesiastes 1:1-2

One Rabbi argued that Solomon wrote three Old Testament books in this order: Song of Songs first, Proverbs second and Ecclesiastes last, because, “When a man is young he sings songs. When he becomes an adult he utters practical proverbs. When he becomes old he voices the vanity of things”. There is debate among scholars … Read more