Lesson 42 – Revelation 12:13-13:1

Revelation 12:13-17 This passage describes three attacks that Satan’s forces will mount against Israel during the Tribulation. The first attack is described in Revelation 12:13-14. Here it describes Satan’s pursuit and persecution of the Jews as they flee into the wilderness (Revelation 12:6; 13:4-7). Jesus warned the Jewish people of the danger they will face … Read more

Lesson 41 – Revelation 12:13-14

Revelation 12:13-17 Satan will launch a terrible attack against the woman. Over the centuries the Jewish people have faced more hatred and persecution than any other people. Much of that suffering was chastisement from God to turn the nation away from their sin and back to Him. God repeatedly warned Israel of the consequences of … Read more

Lesson 40 – Revelation 12:10-13

Revelation 12:10-12 The victory and salvation are won by Jesus. A loud voice in heaven will shout out that the victory and salvation are now won—once for all. Who will this voice be? God’s people. We know this because the voice refers to “our brothers.” The voice will declare the salvation of our God, the … Read more

Lesson 39 – Revelation 12:5-9

Revelation 12:5 The third character in the great tribulation is Yeshua who was born of a woman and sent by the Father to rule the world. He came to bring godliness and righteousness to earth, to use a rod of iron or judgment in order to get rid of sin and ungodliness in the world. … Read more

Lesson 38 – Revelation 12:1-4

Revelation 12 is one of the most revealing and fascinating chapters in the entire Bible. It reveals the spiritual struggle occurring behind the scenes of this world. And in the last days that spiritual struggle will be more intense than ever. There are three principle characters who have been involved in this spiritual warfare. These … Read more

Lesson 37 – Revelation 11:14-19

Revelation 11:14-19 Following the rapture of the church the end time will be a period of horror and tragedy. The world and its people will go through great tribulation, tribulation such as the world has never before seen. Scene after scene of catastrophe and horror have already been seen. This is the reason, that scattered … Read more

Lesson 36 – Revelation 11:3-14

Revelation 11:3-4 God’s witnesses will be given special power and authority from God. There are two witnesses because the Bible requires the testimony of two people to confirm a fact or verify truth (Deuteronomy 17:6;Matthew 18:16;2 Corinthians 13:1). The period of their ministry is the last three and one-half years of the Tribulation, when Antichrist’s … Read more

Lesson 35 – Revelation 11:2

Revelation 11:2 Jerusalem will be dominated or “tread upon by the Gentiles” for three and one half years or 42 months. Some people suggest that when Jerusalem was liberated in the 6 day war that the time of the Gentiles has ended. Yet Jerusalem while under Jewish control is still very much an international city, … Read more

Lesson 34 – Revelation 9:3-11:2

Revelation 9:3-6 – Out of the abyss will come locust-like demons from the abyss. They will be sent to inflict unbearable punishment on the ungodly. Locusts are a symbol of God’s anger against those that resist His will and rise up against His chosen people (Exodus 10:13; Joel 1:4). His chosen people are not just … Read more

Lesson 31 – Revelation 9:1-2

Revelation 9:1-2 A star is said to fall from heaven. The pronoun him is used to refer to this star so from this we know that this star is a person. The word star is used in its symbolic way but based on our rule of symbols they are either explained in the context or … Read more