God proved His Word and power and fulfills His Promise (Genesis 21:1-2). Hefulfilled His promise despite the odds and circumstances: In Abraham’s old age (Genesis 21:1), at the set time (Genesis 21:2).
Abraham responded with obedience and faithfulness (Genesis 21:3-5) Abraham obeyed God by circumcising his son (Genesis 21:4), recognized the miracle of the event (Genesis 21:5).
God stirred joy and rejoicing in Sarah over His power (Genesis 21:6-7) by giving her joy and laughter (Genesis 21:6), giving her a miraculous child in her old age (Genesis 21:7).
The Slavewoman and Her Son: Conquering Faith—Confronting and Overcoming Conflict, Genesis 21:8-21.
The nature of the conflict: Much attention showered on Isaac (Genesis 21:8-11).
Ishmael’s sin: Mockery, ridicule, meanness (Genesis 21:9), Sarah’s sin: Overreaction, distrust, cruelty (Genesis 21:10), Abraham’s response: Distress, grief, perplexity (Genesis 21:11).
The answer to the conflict: God (Genesis 21:12-13) God’s word: Relieved Abraham’s distress and grief and gave direction and shown God’s purpose (Genesis 21:12). God assures Abraham that the conflict would be resolved (Genesis 21:13).
The results of the conflict (Genesis 21:14-16b) Broken hearts, separation, divorce (Genesis 21:14a). Wandering about, lost, not knowing where to go or what to do (Genesis 21:14b) exhaustion, hopelessness, and the threat of death (Genesis 21:15-16b)
Overcoming the conflict (Genesis 21:16c-21) Hagar lifted up her voice in prayer and wept (Genesis 21:16c). Hagar listened to the Word of God. Ishmael too cried out to God (Genesis 21:17b). Hagar obeyed God, arose (Genesis 21:18) and experienced God’s provision (Genesis 21:19). Ishmael received God’s continued care (Genesis 21:20). Ishmael accepted his environment and life (Genesis 21:21).
Abraham Made a Covenant With Abimelech: 21:22-34 – He had a striking, consistent testimony (Genesis 21:22). He committed not to deal falsely with his neighbors and their land or property (Genesis 21:23)
Abraham swore, made the commitment (Genesis 21:24)
Abraham was open and honest (Genesis 21:25-26)
Abraham shared a wrong (Genesis 21:25)
There was a simple misunderstanding (Genesis 21:26)
Abraham gave and shared beyond the basic requirement (Genesis 21:27-30)
The act of giving and sharing (Genesis 21:27)
The special act of giving: Seven female lambs were given to help ease the pain of the dispute (Genesis 21:28-30)
Abraham consecrated his commitment (Genesis 21:31-32)
Abraham memorialized the place: Named it Beersheba (Genesis 21:31)
Abraham returned (Genesis 21:32)
Abraham acknowledged the Lord, the everlasting God, and his need for God’s help in building good relationships (Genesis 21:33-34)