Hebrews 6:9-20 UPDATE

As we continue our studies in Hebrews, we need to remember the reason this letter was written.  It was written to Jewish Believers in Yeshua while the Temple was still standing. Because of pressures from their home Synagogues and unbelieving family members there was the temptation to deny the finished work of Messiah. Some were going … Read more

Hebrews 6:1-8, Shuva Israel July 2024

Listen what different Bible scholars have to say about this passage of Scripture.  Ray Stedman…”The knottiest problem passage in Hebrews, if not the whole Bible; a passage which has been a battleground…for ages” “The difficulty of interpretation…cannot be exaggerated” (Hewett) “The number and variety of explanations…are bewildering” Vincent “This is known to be one of the … Read more